How Funny Email Subject Lines Boost Business and Reader’s Mood?
If you love shopping you may completely agree with the sentiments of Bo Derek. As the American film and television actress putted " Whoever said money can't buy happiness simply didn't know where to go for shopping."
Out of everything, I love online shopping to the moon and back.
Why you ask?
For starters, it doesn’t involve running or walking my way through all the isles in a mall. I can sit in the comfort of my home, sip my latte and pick my stuff. Finally, forget home, I can even sneak in quick shopping at work!
When I go shopping online; I do sign up for all emails from the brands I really love. Yeah, I end up on the business list of a brand. If there is an email from them about early bird shopping or an exclusive loyalty member sale, I don’t want to miss out on it.
By now you know that if there is a business email from brands that I love, I will take the time out to read it. At the same time, I am not fond of emails that are boring, have no real information and worse, don’t deliver what they promise.
However, one thing that gets me to open an email is the ‘Subject Line’.
If the subject line is funny, then chances are high to open, read the email and attend to any call to action.
A funny subject line in a business email is a sure way to get my attention.
Here you will have your answer!
Firstly, it’s a Break from the Routine
A funny subject line is a break from the routine. It’s like a cool breeze on a hot summer day.
Imagine a situation. You open your email after a long day at work only to find emails that are highly predictable. For example, you look at the subject line and you pretty much have guessed what’s in store for you. It’s no great fun, really!
What if you were to find an email with a subject line that puts a smile on your face, without giving away what’s in store for you?
- It breaks the monotony of the mailbox;
- Piques your interest about the email;
- It’s a sure attention grabber.
I am no exception to this effect too.
One such email subject line I found extremely interesting is that of OpenTable, an online hotel reservation site. It said ‘licking your phone never tasted so good.’ The subject line did its job. Needless to say, I opened the email and went clicking on the CTA.
I am sure the person who designed this email copy for a specific email id list, was in the best state of mind.
Secondly, Curiosity Value!
Another email subject line that made me curious enough to open was from Grub Hub, an online food ordering service. The subject line was ‘last day to see what this mystery email is all about’.
The two words that got my immediate attention were ‘last day’ and ‘mystery’ email. Who can resist a mystery or the gnawing feeling it gives you? Plus anything that says last day makes me feel, I don’t want to miss out on it!
Such subject lines emits a feeling like ‘being part of a brand’s email leads database’. And you see, this strategy works sure. Work well too!
Thirdly, Contradicting Statements.
Groupon is an e-commerce site that offers deals. It is common knowledge. People who sign up for Groupon emails want to be on their email address list for all latest deals. I am one of them too.
You can imagine my surprise when I received an email that said ‘there are no deals in this email’. I mean an email from Groupon that’s not about deals. Sure enough, I opened the email.
Talk about the subject line? Bang on, its a success!
Fourthly, if it’s Disconnectedly Connected.
There is always a pull towards anything yin and yang. The more two things are unrelated, the more fun it adds to a situation. Warby Parker is another favourite eyeglass brand. I love their design and the pricing.
So, when the email from them read ‘pairs nicely with spreadsheets’ I sure was wondering where this disconnect was leading.
I eventually understood that it’s about the design of the eyeglasses from Warby that offer a spreadsheet friendly reading. But I loved the way the email was introduced with this innovative subject line.
Fifthly, Word Play!
For me, word play is like the cherry of an email. The pun hidden in the subject line well amuses me. I never miss out on reading ad copies or teaser or even emails that are well balanced with play of words.
For instance, there is this particular email from Pop Physique, a brand that got both exercise and art right. It goes like this – ‘Get ready. Keep the pie off your thighs from returning.’
I read the subject line twice. It was that enjoyable for me. It also merely tells me that I can eat my pie and still keep it off my thighs. But in such a fun manner that anybody reading it would want to be part of this company’s email leads list.
The bottom line to creating subject lines for email marketing, according to me is to get the right dose of fun or humour into them. It should be just enough to catch attention of the reader without sounding offensive or outright insulting.
Emails are sent out for clicks to happen!m A click will not happen without an open. An open will not happen without a good subject line. Humour is one of the many ways to create a good subject line.
Personally, it’s a way that has always worked for me.
Email marketers, are you listening?
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